
Polygon Simplification in GIS. Avoid Gaps and Slivers, Reduced File Size, Consistent Appearance, Attributes Preservation

in this video I would like to share how to simplify polygons data for non-topological format such as ESRI Shapefile, KML or JSON/GEOJSON. Perform polygon data manipulation such as simplify in non-topological gis data format if not done correctly will lead to causing slivers and gaps in the polygon border. Simplifying methods being used is also has a role in this problem.  The safest approach to do polygons simplify usually by converting the data to polylines first, then after simplifying, the data converted back to polygon. This approach will be tedious for large dataset, and prone to attributes table records matching loss.  This video is about how to avoids those kinds of problems. 

ArcGIS Pro Trick. A fast way to store your Statistical Classification Permanently

In the old times of ArcMap or any other GIS Software, storing the statistical classification from the symbology setting usually takes efforts of repeated query and field calculations. For example, classifying population attributes using Natural Breaks/Jenks classification method can only be done on-the-fly.  The classified values are not saved in the attribute table, so, if we want to use the classified values, we must repeat the classification. In certain cases, this will cause some difficulties when we need to share the analysis to other party.  Fortunately, ArcGIS Pro has this built-in geoprocessing tool  to handle this kind of task in very fast and easy way. The tool is called Reclassify Field, and here is how to use it. 

Generates Hexagonal Cartogram in ArcGIS

This article delves into the realm of cartogram generation within ArcGIS, a leading Geographic Information System (GIS) platform. We explore the intricacies of cartogram creation using ArcGIS, focusing on the underlying techniques, real-world applications, and best practices for effective visualization. From understanding the tools available in ArcGIS to addressing specific challenges unique to this environment, this comprehensive guide serves as a practical resource for GIS professionals and enthusiasts. Introduction: ArcGIS, developed by Esri, is a widely used GIS software that provides robust tools for spatial analysis and visualization. Within the expansive suite of capabilities that ArcGIS offers, cartogram generation stands out as a powerful method for distorting geographic features based on variable data. This article navigates through the specific functionalities, workflows, and considerations involved in creating cartograms within the ArcGIS environment. Understanding Cartogra

Creating a Web Mapping Application with Leaflet JS

Web mapping applications are powerful tools that enable users to visualize and interact with geographical data. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to build a simple yet effective mapping application using Leaflet JS, a popular JavaScript library for interactive maps.   Leaflet JS is a lightweight, open-source library for creating mobile-friendly interactive maps. It provides a simple and intuitive API for incorporating maps into web pages. A client in FIVVER (if you needs my service for your GIS Job, the FIVVER link on the left top bar of my blog) asked me to make a simple webmapping application using Leaflet JS that has functionality to zoom and pan in seamless way based on the attribute table selection. The data is stored as GEOJSON file and directly injected in the HTML, so the HTML webmap can be opened and distributed in various computer at ease. I design this webmap with simplicity mindset, so reproduction into another website can be done easily. If you are curious about the

Turn Your QGIS Projects into Interactive Web Maps in Minutes!

Embark on an exciting journey as we reveal the wizardry behind transforming your QGIS projects into captivating web maps. In just a few clicks, you can breathe life into your static visualizations, creating an interactive online experience that's both powerful and effortless. Don't miss out on this game-changing tutorial – the link to the video awaits you at the end of this blog post! Discover the incredible capabilities of the OpenGIS Plugin as it effortlessly bridges the gap between your QGIS desktop and the online realm. From intricate heatmaps to sophisticated choropleths, every nuance of your original visualizations is preserved. This is your chance to elevate your maps to new heights, making them not just informative but engaging. Click the video link to witness the transformation firsthand. Flexibility meets convenience with the OpenGIS Plugin. Once your web map masterpiece is ready, the choice of deployment is yours. Whether it's the familiar GitHub or other hosting

Generates Distance / Origin - Destination Matrix of Two Point Layers in QGIS

Here is a short video (under one minute) tutorial about how to perform and calculate Origin - Destination matrix or Distance Matrix between two points layers in QGIS. 

Satellite Imagery Topographic Correction in QGIS

How to generate flat terrain and no topographic undulation in Satellite Imagery. Topographic correction is very helpful for Landcover/landuse classification in steep, hilly or mountainous terrain. Topographic correction guarantee more spectral consistent values for similar landcover in the sun side slopes and shadowed slopes. In the end, more accurate landcover classification can be obtained.