
Showing posts from September, 2018

Destripe Gap Fill Landsat 7 ETM SLC Error in QGIS


how to make directional visualization of a raster layer in QGIS


Search and Download GIS Data using Google Dataset Search


Clip Entire Geodatabase while maintain its structure in ArcGIS Desktop


How to count the points inside the polygons or tree counting in QGIS


How to download SRTM DEM Directly in QGIS

SRTM DEM is one of the most popular and most widely used Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data at the global level. The DEM itself actually is quite old because it is coming from SAR Survey using Space Shuttle in the year 2000. SRTM DEM generated from interferometric processing of two SAR antennas mounted on the space shuttle and using two bands configuration, one using X-band and the other is using C-band. X-band SAR of SRTM is considered experimental so it is doesn't have full coverage like its counterpart C-band SAR. Because it is coming from SAR interferometry, the resulted DEM is still considered as DSM (Digital Surface Model) and not be treated as DTM (Digital Terrain Model). Although conversion to DTM is somewhat possible (I also have made a tutorial about how to do it in another post), the result is can't be standardized due to its medium resolution. But because there is no on-par DEM data on a global scale at medium resolution like SRTM DEM, the data is still found popula...