
Showing posts from January, 2019

GeoJson to Shapefile Conversion using Quantum GIS

GeoJSON (Geo Javascript Object Notation) is an extension to standard JSON format that widely used in API Development. One thing that differentiating between JSON and GeoJSON is, GeoJSON incorporates Geographic Coordinates in the data. This geographic information enables GeoJSON to be displayed into online webmap and served into webgis apps or mobile gis apps.  In term of geospatial data,   GeoJSON supports the following geometry types:  Point ,  LineString ,  Polygon ,  MultiPoint ,  MultiLineString , and  MultiPolygon . Geometric objects with additional properties are  Feature  objects. Sets of features are contained by  FeatureCollection  objects.  Compared to other geospatial data format, GeoJSON is easy to maintain, simple, and plain just like XML, so it can be edited using certain parser or renderer dedicated to GeoJSON. Almost every Mapping API Framework like Mapbox, ArcGIS, Leaflet, Open Layers, or many others alrea...