
Showing posts from January, 2022

How to Install QGIS 3 on Mac Book and Mac OS

How to install QGIS 3.x on Mac Book Air or Mac Book Pro, along with latest Mac OS version (Version 12.1 Monterey when this video is created).

How to Install ESA SNAP On Apple MacBook Air or Macbook Pro and Mac OS 12

A short video (under 5 minutes) about how to install ESA-SNAP Remote Sensing Data Processing software on Apple Macbook Air or Macbook Pro, under the latest Mac OS Version. This video is created under Mac OS 12.1 Monterey environment. 

Agisoft Metashape Removing Water Object and Noise Pixels in a DEM

How to remove water pixels and elevation noise in a DEM using Agisoft Metashape. This workflow will be very useful for terrestrial terrain analysis using photogrammetric derived products. 

Agisoft Metashape Creating 3D Vector Data From Photogrammetric Processing Results

How to create and digitize 3D vector geospatial data (line or polygons) in based on photogrammetric processing results in Agisoft Metashape.