Simple way to adding Google Images services into ArcMap

I just found a simple way to add google images into ArcMap Project after exploring some RS/GIS forums. As we already know, since ArcGIS 9.2 we can access tiled services of basemaps from ESRI. This new feature permitted us to use worldwide detailed maps or high resolution imagery as our base map,data source or simply just background information of our mapping project. Then, We may further asking, could popular map/imagery service provider like google or microsoft also be added into ArcMap?. The answer is yes. codeplex has developed an ArcGIS extension called ArcBrutile, which it main goal is enabling tiled map/imagery services can be added into ArcMap. The extension can make WMS/WMS-C map services, Microsoft Bing and Google Images/Maps added into ArcMap view.

Below is example of my experiment:

Download the needed software from this forum.



  1. Kayanya untuk google product gak bisa diakses.btw thanks for this info

  2. masih bisa kok, instalernya memang sudah tidak dikeluarkan lagi, tapi saya masih punya copy yang bisa dipake untuk membuka google, tapi ini memang menyalahi TOS dari google, thanks sudah berkunjung :D

  3. Terima kasih balik untuk respon yang cepat admin.. btw..bisakah admin sudi mengirimkan instaler dimaksud? kalo bisa tolong kirim via mail saya.. thanks alot b4


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