How to Clip / Subset Raster Using Graphics in ArcGIS

Creating a subset from larger raster datasets is one of the most basic tasks in Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis. This task usually needs a dataset to be clipped using a certain extent/bounding box or following a defined polygon called Area of Interest (AOI). All Remote Sensing or GIS Software has this capability. The difference is the clipping implementation in some software is smarter and more effective than the others. Compared to other software, Clip or Subset Raster in ArcGIS can be considered as exceptionally well implemented. Raster clipping in ArcGIS could be done in a permanent-result way or temporary way. 

The temporary way has more benefit instead of the permanent way. It can deal with huge datasets but not sacrificing processing time. It is super fast. The definition of the clipping area also flexible. You can use ArcMap View as Clipping extent, using loaded polygon shapefiles as AOI, or even graphic layer as the AOI. If you are curious about the latter, I already prepare a video tutorial about how to do it that you can check below. Hopefully, my little effort would be useful for you the readers of this article. 


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