KML (Keyhole Markup Language) or its compressed form KMZ is the file format used in Google Earth or Google Maps products. This format has a similar structure to XML, so it could be opened in Text Editor without any problems. This format is flexible because it is could store vector data as well as raster data. Because it is designed as a geospatial data format in vector or raster, technically it is interoperable with common geospatial data formats like shapefile, geodatabase, MapInfo, or GeoJSON. And because it is an interoperable geospatial data format, it can be converted into a more common GIS format like shapefile. Many GIS and Remote Sensing software have capabilities to read KML or KMZ and converted them into Shapefile for example. However, you must be careful when you try to convert KML data into Shapefile. It is because KML format stores the attribute data into HTML table, so if your software didn't have capabilities to convert HTML table into native DBF table used in Shape...