How to download ArcGIS Feature Services in QGIS
Latest QGIS version introduce few new core functionalities that might be helpful to those who working on multi platform GIS environment. Those new functionalities bridging the QGIS into more interoperable territories with other GIS software. For example, now QGIS has been support direct reading ArcGIS Map Services and ArcGIS Feature Services. With this new ability, all the RESTful Query from ArcGIS Services can be done in QGIS in very intuitive way. We dont have to dealing with common REST API query that not many GIS analyst familiar with. All can be done from QGIS GUI, including downloading tasks and vector geoprocessing. Now you can directly perform geoprocessing using multi format data such as Layer A coming from GEOJSON format, and Layer B coming from ArcGIS Feature Services. You can analyze them together. You can perform overlay using both of the data.
And about downloading data from ArcGIS Feature Services using QGIS, I already made a video tutorial that you can follow below.
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