PANCROMA (shareware)

Pan Sharpen and Gap-Fill with PANCROMA


PANCROMA pan sharpening is the Simple yet Powerful GIS software application for creating 15m resolution color pan sharpened images from FREE Landsat ETM+ satellite data for ANY part of the world.

PANCROMA pan sharpening software uses an image fusion technique to produce a high-resolution color satellite image from the low-resolution multispectral band files and the single panchromatic band file included in many satellite data bundles (like Landsat ETM+ and SPOT®):

Low Res Color + High Res Grayscale = High Res Color

Plus, PANCROMA pan sharpening gap fills SLC-Off Landsat scenes. And PANCROMA pan sharpening connects with your other GIS applications using GeoTiff² file format.


  • PANCROMA combines an intuitive GUI with a sophisticated computation engine. With its 'Quick Start' Instruction Manual, instructional videosWhite Papers and friendly customer support, you will create your first pan sharpened satellite image within minutes!

  • PANCROMA has unique image preprocessing utilities to compensate for the color distortions inherent in the pan sharpening process, allowing you to produce high quality Landsat or SPOT® pan sharpened images.

  • PANCROMA gap fills (post 2003) SLC-Off ETM+ images using the Transfer or Hayes algorithms, improving the appearance and utility of post-2003 (SLC-Off) Landsat imagery.

  • PANCROMA automatically generates matched multiple band subsetsof co-registered and georeferenced satellite images for subsequent pan sharpening.

  • PANCROMA can extract SPOT® and ASTER L1B band files from composite images downloaded for free from the LP-DAAC Data Pool and the USGS Earth Explorer website.

  • PANCROMA can synthesize natural color composite RGB images from SPOT® and ASTER false-color bands 1, 2 and 3(N). PANCROMA can produce natural color pan sharpened images from the synthesized SPOT®data.

  • PANCROMA batch processes virtually unlimited quantities of band files to produce RGB color composite and pan sharpened images.

  • Input and output files in JPEG, BMP, PNG, GeoTiff and Landsat L1G format

  • Display individual grayscale band files at full resolution

  • Create 30m resolution true-color RGB images from Landsat band files 3, 2, 1 instantly

  • Create 30m resolution false-color images from any combination of Landsat band files

  • Create 20m resolution false-color and natural-color images from SPOT®band files

  • Create 15m resolution false-color and natural-color images from ASTER band files

  • Create 15m resolution pan-sharpened images from Landsat ETM+ band files and panchromatic band data using HSI or Brovey Transform methods

  • Create 10m resolution pan-sharpened true and false color images from SPOT® band files and panchromatic band data

  • Create 10m resolution pan-sharpened true and false color images from NASA EO-1 band files and panchromatic band data

  • Create 10m resolution pan-sharpened images from Landsat ETM+ band files using a SPOT panchromatic band

  • Unbundle and process Digital Globe WorldView® data.

  • Unbundle and process GeoEye® data.

  • Use ENHG and XIONG algorithm spectral distortion correction algorithms for truer pan sharpened color tones.

  • Use a persistent RGB comparison image provided for fine-tuning pan sharpened images.

  • Resample large Landsat files to lower resolution

  • Compute band ratio images

  • Histogram match two images

  • Histogram stretch a single image

  • Subtract two images

  • Post process image - color adjust

  • Use unsupervised C-Clustering image clustering algorithms to group land features.

  • Full User Manual including Tutorials

  • Online Help file

  • Online instructional videos

  • Import Landsat files in .tif, .L1G, .jpg, png and .bmp format

  • Save processed files in .jpg, .png and .bmp format

  • Friendly customer support included in purchase price

  • PANCROMA's adaptive algorithms detect your computer's memory configuration, allowing computers with as little as 256MB of installed RAM to pan sharpen and save full sized Landsat datasets, while allowing faster processing speeds for more capable computers.


A trial version of PANCROMA is available for free download. All features are fully operational except that the 'Save' utilities have been disabled. You can load full-sized Landsat, SPOT and ASTER data sets and create RGB and pan sharpened images.

Download the Trial Software Here, Get the full version for 49.95 USD

My Comment

Benar - benar software yang menarik, walaupun interfacenya agak rumit, tapi kapabilitasnya boleh juga, versi trial memungkinkan kita menggunakan seluruh tools yang tersedia, cuman sayangnya data hasil pengolahan tidak bisa disimpan karena di disable. Dengan harga 49 dollar, fungsionalitas software ini cukup bisa diandalkan, terutama bagi mereka para pengguna citra landsat 7 yang sudah terdegradasi sensor-nya.


  1. Thank you for the posting the description of PANCROMA software. If anyone has any questions or suggestions please contact me by email.

  2. you re welcome john, and also thank you so much for visiting my blog, yes PANCROMA is very great software, will do sir, :D


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