Free/Open Vector Geospatial Data Provider (Official/Frequently Updated)

Links checked as of 5 July 2014

1. Global Administrative Data By country (Indonesia Included)

GADM is a spatial database of the location of the world's administrative areas (or adminstrative boundaries) for use in GIS and similar software. Administrative areas in this database are countries and lower level subdivisions such as provinces, departments, bibhag, bundeslander, daerah istimewa, fivondronana, krong, landsvæðun, opština, sous-préfectures, counties, and thana. GADM describes where these administrative areas are (the "spatial features"), and for each area it provides some attributes, such as the name and variant names.  The data are available as shapefile, ESRI geodatabase, RData, and Google Earth kmz format.

2. UTM Zone Map

3. Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Geography Database (shoreline,administrative,river,lake)

4. Marine Regions 

5. VDS Global Thematic Data 

6. Peta Rupabumi Indonesia Skala 1:1000.000

7. Open Street Map Vector


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