Making Mbtiles in QGIS (Basemap series part 2)

I will continue my previous blog post.

Okay, now how to make the mbtiles of our data directly from our own maps.

In ArcGIS you can make Tile Package (TPK) which can be converted into other tiling scheme using certain tool (one of them has been covered in part 1)

In QGIS (or Global Mapper) you can actually generate directly tile packages to be consumed in WebGIS, either in compressed tile ZIP or Mbtiles format.

For this task, we going to need QTILES Plugin which can be downloaded and installed from QGIS Plugins menu.

And then, just open your QGIS map project (usually stored in qgs file) or just make it from the scratch.

QTILES can be accessed from Plugins drop down menu, once it is loaded, just set all the parameters according your needs.

Here is an example of mbtiles hosting using TILESERVER.PHP running on my local XAMPP machine.

stay tuned for the part 3, part 4, part 5. lols


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