Modifying Vector Tile Style (Basemap series Part 4)

Please read my previous blog post about how to author vector tile.

Okay now I will continue about how to modify vector tile styling to suit custom needs.

we start from the vector tiles layer hosted on ArcGIS online.

what you must do first is copy the style using clik on layer name, and choose copy, because I use indonesian languange, it is called SALIN.

then followed by Save layer from the copied layer.

In order to edit the style of the copied layer, you can use two built in application from ArcGIS online, which is

1. Simple Editor . This is code based, so you can freely modify as long as you understand the syntax. The syntax is similar with CSS for your information.

2. Vector Basemap Style Editor. This tool is more GUI based and perform better in many cases.

Give the two apps permission to works on your arcGIS online account

Using these two applications, you can modifying the style of the tiled layer like changing colors, thicken the outline, make the layer transparent, changing font or any other modification permitted by Vector based tiled layer specifications. Dont forget to save your works.

Besides these two built in apps, you can edit the style using any other JSON supported text editor and validator (i.e notepad++, adobe brackets , psPad, or just plain NOTEPAD *lol)

Here are two screenshots of original and modified vector layer style coming from same vector tile package source.



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