Exploring Auto Generated Sentinel-2 Imagery Color Composites using ESA SNAP

All remote sensing users must be familiar and used to playing with multispectral bands combination to get certain information from imagery. If you are deeply understand about spectral response curve of surface earth objects, you will know that certain object (vegetation for example) gaves different spectral response compared to another objects. For satellite imagery consist of more than 3 bands (RGB in digital camera), different bands combination in RGB planes gaves different emphasizes to landcover colors in the imagery. Hence they are called multispectral imagery. Most of low to medium resolution imaging satellite currently operational in the earth orbit are multispectral, like landsat, modis, noaa avhrr, and many others. 

Multispectral imagery number of bands can range from 4 bands to dozens bands, but not reaching hundreds. When the bands number reached more than one hundred bands it is called hyperspectral imagery and its analysis and image processing workflow would be pretty much different compared to multispectral. 

Like I told before, more bands in multispectral imagery usually indicates that we can get richer and more unique information about landcover. They can be exploited using different configuration of composites bands. If you have 4 bands, you only have limited combination (three combination to be precise). But if you have 11 bands (like sentinel-2 imagery), imagine the number of bands combination you can explore and exploit. 

Now the cool things is some software like ESA-SNAP has provides few cool bands combination templates of Sentinel-2 imagery that you can auto execute when you loaded a scene of sentinel-2 imagery inside the ESA-SNAP software, so you dont have to do it manually folks. It is already there and waiting you to explore, and here is how..


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