How to Install and Use Google Earth Engine in Local Python Environment a...

Google Earth Engine is a revolutionary Remote Sensing Analysis platform that changed the remote sensing data processing landscape in extreme way. This platform is powered by Cloud Computing hosted by Google and you know, by the means of cloud computing now you are enabled to process and analyze tons of satellite data without sacrificing your computer hardware. You dont have to procure high end computer to enabling the robust and sophisticated remote sensing and digital image analysis workflow. You just need a browser to run all the complex processing. You only needs a good knowledge of javascript programming to make google earth engine works for you. On the other side, may be you are asking about what if I didnt have enough knowledge of javascript. What I am doing all the time is python programming. Dont worry my friends, now Google Earth Engine is also provides Python engine for you to use. You can run Google Earth Engine in the Google Colaboratory Environment, or you can also do it in your local computer python notebook environment. Here is how to configure the Google Earth Engine in the Jupyter Notebook installled in local computer. 


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