Spatial Density Analysis in QGIS

Density analysis captures known quantities of phenomena and distributes them throughout the landscape based on the spatial relationship between the measured quantity  at each location and the location of the measured quantity. 

Density analysis captures known quantities of phenomena and distributes them throughout the landscape based on the spatial relationship between the measured quantity  at each location and the location of the measured quantity. The 
Density tool spreads a measured amount of  input point layers over the landscape to create a continuous surface. As an example  of a 
 density analysis application, consider a retail  chain with multiple stores in a particular area. For each store, management has sales from customers. Management believes that customers choose one store over another based on distance traveled. In this example, it is natural to assume that each customer  always chooses the nearest store. The farther away you are from the nearest store, the more customers will have to drive to that store. However, distant buyers can also shop at other stores. Business owners want to find out the distribution of their customers' residences. Management wants to create a customer area by intelligently distributing customers across the landscape from sales  and the spatial distribution of branches. 

In order to perform this task, the density tool needs to share where each store is in relation to the other store, the number of customers shopping at each store, and  a portion of the measure. Consider the number of (shoppers). Cells that are closer to the measurement point, that is, storage units, have a higher percentage of measurement variables than cells that are farther away.

If you want to know more about density analysis in QGIS ( A free and open source Geographic Information System Software), Here is below an under 5 Minutes Video tutorial about how to do it. 


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