Online Raster and Vector Basemap Comparison in QGIS and Which Is Better for A Mapping Project

There are two types of basemaps. Raster tile basemap and vector tile basemap. The raster tile basemap is pre-rendered, stored on the server, and displayed unchanged by the client. The World Imagery basemap is a good example of a raster tile basemap and an example of a basemap that cannot be displayed as a vector tile basemap. The
Vector Tile Basemap references a set of web-accessible vector tile data (points, lines, and polygons) and the appropriate style for drawing those tiles. Vector tile basemaps are used for non-image content. Vector tile layers can be adapted to the resolution of your display device and can be redesigned for multiple uses.

Vector tile basemap technology now is supported in latest GIS Software such as ArcGIS Pro and QGIS. There are few vector tile format that have been developed by various company or agency. For example, Mapbox have developed MBtiles and MVT as Vector Tile format, ESRI and Google use Protocol Buffer Format (PBF) for its vector tile implementation, and may be many others.

In the video below, I demonstrate the comparison between raster tiled basemap and vector tiled basemap, and which is better for current mapping project. Check the video below to know more.

If you are ArcGIS Desktop user, now it's time to leave the software because ArcGIS Desktop/ArcMap is not supported this kind of technology. 


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