Shapefile (SHP) or Geodatabase Feature Class to KML/KMZ Conversion in ArcGIS

This video tutorial below may be wont interesting for some people, but I made this tutorial with a single goal, helping people that still learning GIS and have a requirement to use GIS data to be analyzed in Google Maps or Google Earth. KML/KMZ is a native format for Google Mapping Products. It can store vector as vector or vector as raster or raster as raster. It is very convenient, although it usage in context of pure geospatial data format is limited. 

There are some strategic aspect about KML/KMZ usage. The most important things is you can host your geospatial data for free in Google MyMaps. You can made simple webmap that has basic webgis functionalities, powered by complete and strong basemap and online imagery basemap, and you can do multiuser editing. KML/KMZ data supporting multiuser although it is a file based data. So if you are interested to use this format, and your data is still on shapefile or geodatabase format, ArcGIS has the tool to convert it to KML/KMZ, and video below show you how to do it. 


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