
Showing posts from 2018

Download Online Maps and Imagery using QGIS

Needs for High Resolution Imagery is important for many GIS analyst. Sometimes those imagery are coming with not so cheap price. Not many people can have access to those data. But with the recent development of Online Mapping Platform, there are many online map providers gave API services for free to access global level of satellite imagery with no cost, for example Google Earth Pro, Bing, ArcGIS Online, HERE Maps, and many others.  The video below show you a way to get those online high resolution satellite imagery through QGIS Software (that you can also get for free because it is open sourced). Those online basemap and high resolution imagery can be downloaded using QGIS, what you needs to have is just quite fast internet connection.  I am not guarantee that the method shown on the video will always working with QGIS no matter the version, but if you are find some problems with the latest QGIS version, you can always rollback to older version to make this works. Well actual...

Simple Least Cost Path Analysis in QGIS


Generate Single Mosaic Raster/Map from Map Tiles (Basemap Series Part 6)

This post is designed as continuation from previous Post .  Now if you understand from my previous blog posts, many online map providers publish their online maps as tiled raster/vector map. There also many geospatial data format has been developed to store these tiles. One of them is MBTILES Format. MBTILES stores all tiles into one packed file grouped into its respective zoom levels. Because the tiles structure inside the MBTILES has been standardized, mosaicking those tiles into one single raster dataset is pretty much possible. There are plenty ways to do the mosaicking, one of them is utilizing MOBAC software. You can also use SasPlanet to do this. At my previous post, I show you how to make custom styles of Google Maps using snazzymaps, now I will continue to generate single raster maps of my Area of Interest from the custom google maps. Here is the workflow 1. From my previous post, the endpoint URL of my custom styled Google Maps is shown below. https://ma...

Modify Google Maps Vector Tiles and Open it in QGIS (Basemap Series Part 5)

It is been a while since last time I discuss about vector tiles basemap. And today I found something cool that may be useful for you too. As you already know, Google nowadays is also publish it online maps to vector tiles format which make their maps more beauty as well as faster to load. And because vector tiles based online maps can be stylized in a custom way, there goes also the google maps vector tiles. You can modify how it looks to suit your application needs without spending additional money or resources. Now, lets go to how to do that. 1. First, go to application that enabling us to customize the Google Maps style using CSS. is one example. You can explore styles made by other people or make a new style for yourself if you have enough knowledge about CSS. 2. After you find certain style that you are interested in, go to inspect element (chrome) or Firebird (Firefox) and find out the URL for a tile image. Below is an example. https:/...

How to Generate Vector Elevation Class Map from DEM in ArcGIS


How to Perform Positional Accuracy Assessment of Satellite Imagery Aerial Photographs


How to Download Data Stored In ArcGIS Online /


Masking and Classify clouds in satellite imagery using fmask


Download Data DEM DEMNAS Resolusi 8 meter Secara Cepat

Kebutuhan Data DEM (Digital Elevation Model) sangat tinggi untuk praktisi GIS di Indonesia. Data DEM yang sekarang tersedia kebanyakan beresolusi sangat kasar, seperti SRTM dengan resolusi 30 dan 90 meter, ASTER GDEM dengan resolusi 30 meter, ALOS World3D, NASADEM dan produk DEM global lain rata - rata hanya memiliki resolusi di atas 30 meter.  Resolusi 30 meter untuk sebagian aplikasi mungkin cukup, seperti misalnya untuk analisis ketinggian level provinsi atau pulau. Tapi resolusi ini jelas tidak cukup untuk analisis yang memerlukan skala lebih besar seperti Skala 25.000 atau 10.000.  Untunglah Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) telah mempublikasikan data DEM Nasional untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia dengan resolusi yang cukup tinggi, yaitu 8 meter. Dengan resolusi ini, peluang pemanfaatan untuk pemetaan yang lebih detil skalanya menjadi lebih memungkinkan. Seperti misalnya analisis kerawanan longsor pada skala kabupaten, jelas akan lebih tepat sasaran apabila menggunakan data ...

Destripe Gap Fill Landsat 7 ETM SLC Error in QGIS


how to make directional visualization of a raster layer in QGIS


Search and Download GIS Data using Google Dataset Search


Clip Entire Geodatabase while maintain its structure in ArcGIS Desktop


How to count the points inside the polygons or tree counting in QGIS


How to download SRTM DEM Directly in QGIS

SRTM DEM is one of the most popular and most widely used Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data at the global level. The DEM itself actually is quite old because it is coming from SAR Survey using Space Shuttle in the year 2000. SRTM DEM generated from interferometric processing of two SAR antennas mounted on the space shuttle and using two bands configuration, one using X-band and the other is using C-band. X-band SAR of SRTM is considered experimental so it is doesn't have full coverage like its counterpart C-band SAR. Because it is coming from SAR interferometry, the resulted DEM is still considered as DSM (Digital Surface Model) and not be treated as DTM (Digital Terrain Model). Although conversion to DTM is somewhat possible (I also have made a tutorial about how to do it in another post), the result is can't be standardized due to its medium resolution. But because there is no on-par DEM data on a global scale at medium resolution like SRTM DEM, the data is still found popula...

How to download ArcGIS Feature Services in QGIS

Latest QGIS version introduce few new core functionalities that might be helpful to those who working on multi platform GIS environment. Those new functionalities bridging the QGIS into more interoperable territories with other GIS software. For example, now QGIS has been support direct reading ArcGIS Map Services and ArcGIS Feature Services. With this new ability, all the RESTful Query from ArcGIS Services can be done in QGIS in very intuitive way. We dont have to dealing with common REST API query that not many GIS analyst familiar with. All can be done from QGIS GUI, including downloading tasks and vector geoprocessing. Now you can directly perform geoprocessing using multi format data such as Layer A coming from GEOJSON format, and Layer B coming from ArcGIS Feature Services. You can analyze them together. You can perform overlay using both of the data.  And about downloading data from ArcGIS Feature Services using QGIS, I already made a video tutorial that you can follow below...

How to Open NetCDF Files in QGIS Tutorial

Tutorial how to open NetCDF Data in QGIS / Quantum GIS

How to make 3D profile or Cross Section in Quantum GIS / QGIS

how to make 3D profile or terrain profile, or cross section, using a DEM as elevation reference. Performed in Quantum GIS / QGIS. An freeware/open source GIS Software. The profile tool is a plugin, in order to use it, you must go online from QGIS, open plugins menu, and choose manage and install plugins. search for 'Profile Tool'  

Tutorial Konversi Proyeksi TM 3 ke UTM dan Geografis di ArcGIS (for Indo...

Tutorial mengenai bagaimana cara mengubah proyeksi peta atau data spasial dari proyeksi TM-3 (banyak digunakan di produk pemetaan Badan Pertanahan Nasional / BPN) ke proyeksi UTM atau geografis. Melalui konversi ini, data dari BPN akan dapat diintegrasikan dengan data lain yang menggunakan proyeksi UTM dan Geografis, seperti peta dasar rupabumi dari BAKOSURTANAL/BIG

Hillshade in QGIS (Analytical , Combined and Multi Directional Hillshad...

How to make hillshade map from DEM using various algorithms like analytical hillshade, combined hillshade, or multi directional (mdow) hillshade.  

Data Digital Elevation Model Nasional (DEMNAS) dan Batimetri Nasional dirilis

Pemerintah Republik Indonesia melalui Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) saat ini telah menyelesaikan dan merilis produk data Digital Elevation Model (DEM) nasional untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia pada resolusi 0.27 arcsecond. Data dapat diunduh dari LINK ini. Data ini akan sangat bermanfaat untuk akselerasi kegiatan pemetaan dan peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas output pemetaan di Indonesia, sekaligus mengurangi gap dan inkonsistensi berbagai data spasial yang sudah dan akan dihasilkan di masa depan (baik tematik maupun geometrik) satu langkah besar menuju Indonesia Maju 2045.

How to make DTM from DSM DEM Processing in QGIS Tutorial

how to make DTM (digital terrain model) from DSM (digital surface model) in QGIS Tutorial. This tutorial is using QGIS Version 3.2 Bonn. Check this out  

Satellite Imagery Orthorectification using DEM in ArcGIS Tutorial

How to perform orthorectification in ArcGIS using DEM and imagery metadata

Time Travel Mapping Over Terrain Using Tobler Hiking Function and ArcGIS

How to perform time travel mapping, tutorial in ArcGIS and Spatial Analyst Tool. wish it useful for you guys

How to make PDF Map which still has the georeference information and use...

A cheap way to brings the Map to the field!

How to convert QGIS Map to Android Smartphones to be used in the Field

Tutorial about how to convert QGIS Map to Android Smartphone to be used in the field, using QFIELD Android App

Tutorial Image Segmentation in ArcGIS

How to perform image segmentation in ArcGIS using segment mean shift algorithm. Tested using ArcGIS version 10.6, just check this out

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in ArcGIS (GIS Tutorial)

Tutorial about how to perform Principal Component Analysis or PCA to get the optimum spectral information from multispectral or hyperspectral satellite imagery, performed in ArcGIS version 10.6. check this out  

Add Online Webmap like google maps, bing, mapbox arcgis into QGIS withou...

And here is the tutorial about how to add the online basemap provider directly into QGIS canvas. Stay tuned for the similar procedures applied in ArcGIS :)

Open online Webmap from ArcGIS Pro

This is my new tutorial on youtube, which talking about how to open webmap from the inside of ArcGIS pro at certain location on the arcgis pro map frame check it out guys

Pemetaan Tumpahan Minyak di Pantai Balikpapan Menggunakan Citra Radar Sentinel 1A dan Google Earth Engine

Kasus tumpahan minyak di Pantai Balikpapan awal April 2018 menjadi isu hangat bulan ini. Berbagai media memberitakan dampak negatif dari bencana lingkungan ini. Sebagai geoscientist, isu ini menarik buat saya pribadi karena sebaran tumpahan minyak di laut saat ini sudah bisa dideteksi dengan baik dan dipetakan sebarannya menggunakan data radar SAR. Dengan bermodal layanan cloud image processing dari Google Earth Engine (GEE) saya mencoba bereksperimen memetakan sebaran area tumpahan minyak di Pantai Balikpapan. GEE menyediakan akses ke repositori data Sentinel 1 SAR yang saat ini operasional, dan kebetulan selang beberapa hari dari kejadian tumpahan minyak, satelit Sentinel 1A lewat di atas Balikpapan. Saya menggunakan kode awal dari Simon Ilyuschenko dari GEE Team yang digunakan untuk pemetaan area banjir dari citra Sentinel, yang saya modifikasi untuk lebih peka terhadap tumpahan minyak. Dengan menggunakan teknik pemrosesan image tresholding dan image difference dari citra yang m...

How to Perform Geocode in ArcGIS Using ESRI Geocoding Service


Using Mapproxy to cache and host both online and offline basemaps (Basemap series Part 5)

Here we go again In this post now I will continue about how to simultaneous host and cache basemaps, either from online or offline sources. First, If you want to just use online basemaps to be available or hosted on your favorite protocols (like serving google Street Map to WMS or ArcGIS REST service) you could use Portable Basemap Server. I have previously covered it, check this LINK . If you want to only cache the tiles to be used for offline needs, you can use MOBAC or SasPlanet . Now if you want to have capabilities like both serving basemaps directly to your user using client server services protocols (either online or local online or even pure offline situation) while maintain online access, plus adding caching capabilities (useful if you want your application to be as fast as possible), you can use MAPPROXY . It can do what PBS can do plus it has caching ability, so you wont have to worry if your internet networks get troubled, because the generated caches will serve a...

Modifying Vector Tile Style (Basemap series Part 4)

Please read my previous blog post about how to author vector tile. Okay now I will continue about how to modify vector tile styling to suit custom needs. we start from the vector tiles layer hosted on ArcGIS online. what you must do first is copy the style using clik on layer name, and choose copy, because I use indonesian languange, it is called SALIN. then followed by Save layer from the copied layer. In order to edit the style of the copied layer, you can use two built in application from ArcGIS online, which is 1. Simple Editor  . This is code based, so you can freely modify as long as you understand the syntax. The syntax is similar with CSS for your information. 2. Vector Basemap Style Editor . This tool is more GUI based and perform better in many cases. Give the two apps permission to works on your arcGIS online account Using these two applications, you can modifying the style of the tiled layer like changing colors, thicken the outline, ma...

Vector Tile (Basemap Series Part 3)

My two previous posts concerned about tile layers served as basemap in raster format. Tile layer in raster format is superb because it is deliver fast reading, great compatibility between systems and standards, Tile layer in raster format is also works for any kind of data and independent from the source data format. Either you have thematic maps in vector format or satellite imagery/DEM in raster format, Tile layer in raster could handle them well. But technology always changing. In recent years, development of tile layer in vector format got its fruition. It is somewhat better than raster, but it is not dedicated to replace the raster based tiles. It has specific function which is mainly to serve basemap in VECTOR format. By using vector format, you can get : 1. Smaller file size to serve, so higher performance is guaranteed. 2. Dynamic and good resolution/display in every scale or zoom level (vector ftw man). 3. Faster generation and processing time compared to raster. 4. No...

Making Mbtiles in QGIS (Basemap series part 2)

I will continue my previous blog post. Okay, now how to make the mbtiles of our data directly from our own maps. In ArcGIS you can make Tile Package (TPK) which can be converted into other tiling scheme using certain tool (one of them has been covered in part 1) In QGIS (or Global Mapper) you can actually generate directly tile packages to be consumed in WebGIS, either in compressed tile ZIP or Mbtiles format. For this task, we going to need QTILES Plugin which can be downloaded and installed from QGIS Plugins menu. And then, just open your QGIS map project (usually stored in qgs file) or just make it from the scratch. QTILES can be accessed from Plugins drop down menu, once it is loaded, just set all the parameters according your needs. Here is an example of mbtiles hosting using TILESERVER.PHP running on my local XAMPP machine. stay tuned for the part 3, part 4, part 5. lols

ArcGIS Tile Package Conversion to Mbtiles using tpkutils (Basemap series part 1)

Imagine if all the published basemaps over the internet is not suit to your needs, what you can do?. The answer is simply, just make your own basemaps. And how to make them ? by convert the created map into raster tile package of course. From the created tile package, we can feed it off to map service provider like, Mapbox, etc, or just put it on your own server and webgis application/geoportal. Basemap can be authored using ArcGIS or QGIS (just to name the BIG TWO software these days). I am going to talk about ArcGIS first for this post. in ESRI ArcGIS environment, the tile package is called ArcGIS Tile Layer Package, and has *.tpk file extension. How to make them?, simply 1. Make your own map in ArcMap (symbolization, labelling, etc and save it on MXD. 2. Boot ArcToolbox, go to Data Management Tools > Packages > Create Map Tile Package 3. Set the tiling scheme (just use arcgis online/google tiling scheme), tiling format, level or details, tag, summary, ex...

download extract data from non hosted arcgis online public account

how to download arcgis online data from non hosted or public account For Your Information This extraction method is purely dedicated only to extract data stored in public Account or non hosted ArcGIS online service Non hosted data is pretty much different from hosted data, because it doesnt have REST endpoint (Map Services) like commonly we found at ArcGIS Server/online hosted data. To be successfully extract the data, you must be the account owner (i.e the data belongs to you), or the webmap has been set to public access by the account owner. if you still confused about non hosted data, try to make arcgis online public account (not organizational account), and upload some data to it, then make a webmap. The data stored in those webmap that we called non hosted data.